Useful Points To Mull Upon Before Window Screen Installation

Before you could go for window screen installation, it is very important that you consider some points. Experts say that these points will help you a lot and make sure that you invest wisely and buy only the products that suit your requirements precisely. Some of the most important things to keep in mind are discussed in this post.

window screen installation

Determine the Type of Frame

  • According to the experts involved in the window screen installation Melbourne, the type of frame chosen by you would impact the overall strength of the installation and therefore, it has to be chosen really wisely.
  • In most cases, you’ll find them made up of aluminium so that they don’t corrode or rust away.
  • One more thing to know is that the frame for this product comes in two forms, i.e. the rolled frame and extruded frame.
  • Rolled frame starts out as a flat sheet of aluminium that goes through a series of rollers to bend the aluminium into the shape of the frame.
  • One the other hand, extruded frame is thicker and also more expensive and therefore, the former version is more popular.

Internal vs. External Corners

  • Sellers of options like bifold screen Melbourne say that the corners are also something to be taken care of really seriously.
  • This is because you’ll generally find two different kinds of corners for window screen installation and the names are internal corners and external corners.
  • External corners are plastic corners that are visible when you look at the screen.
  • Then, there are internal corners that are not exposed to the elements so they last longer than external corners.

Screen Hardware

  • The next thing to pay attention towards at the time of window screen installation Melbourne is the screen hardware and this point is important because it holds screen to the window.
  • There are many kinds of screen hardware present in the markets.
  • In this situation, your task would be to find the one that matches your requirements as well as the home decor you have.

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